Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2008 Is Winding Down...

As wave buah-by to 2008 it's hard to believe that we are coming to an end of the second year of the Arizona Buffalo Slayers! We've had a lot of fun and some interesting events this past year.

As you may know, the primary concept that forged this group was to have a date set aside each month for parties, events or to just hang out. We appreciate you being a part of our lives and decided that we do not see you often enough. Rather than leaving our get-togethers to chance, we wanted to set aside dedicated times and dates each month to “Strengthen the Herd” and share some short stories and long laughs.

In both 2007 and 2008 these events were held the 3rd Saturday of each month as “Gathering of the Slayers” day. If you decided to host a month all you had to do was pick your Saturday and plan your event. It could be happy hour at your favorite pub, boat Olympics at the lake or a backyard pool party. Whatever. We wanted creative and fun excuses to get together.

Anyone from fellow Slayers to friends and family were invited. It's your party and we always like to meet new people and expand the herd.

With that said, we here at AZBSHQ want your feedback. As a member in good standing (OK, just standing is fine) we would like to know your thoughts about 2009 so please complete the survey below and let us know what you think:

Your feedback and opinion are always welcome either in the comments sections or feel free e-mail to: JasonJohnson@BuffaloSlayers.com

Thank you all for another great year...we look forward to seeing you all soon in 2009!

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