Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thanks For Helping The Economy!

The gays doing their part to be a part of the solution:

'Day Without a Gay' participation spotty: SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A daylong work stoppage for which people were encouraged to call in "gay" to express support for same-sex marriage drew spotty participation Wednesday, with some gay rights activists praising the event and others questioning its value. The protest was designed to demonstrate the economic clout of same-sex marriage supporters following the passage of voter-approved gay marriage bans in California, Arizona and Florida last month. Participants also were asked to refrain from spending money or at least to patronize gay-friendly businesses for the day. You can see the hole article here.

With everything going on in the country and world, this is the best form of protest they could come up with? Thanks for being so selfless and doing your part to keep the economy in the crapper! Why am I not surprised there wasn't more support with such a noble, sophisticated and mature approach.

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